Visit ChemTopia for further professional chemical information on the basis of a comprehensive intelligence networking platform for experts in the discipline around the globe. Below are the list of the other names (synonyms) of DAP1_004166 including the various registry numbers, if available: The DAP1_004166 compound may be called differently depending on the various different situations of industrial applications. Other names (synonyms) or registry numbers of DAP1_004166.The molecular weight of DAP1_004166 is available in molecular weight page of DAP1_004166, which is calculated as the sum of the atomic weights of each constituent element multiplied by the number of atoms of that element in the molecular formula. The molecular formula of DAP1_004166 is available in chemical formula page of DAP1_004166, which identifies each constituent element by its chemical symbol and indicates the proportionate number of atoms of each element.
The DAP1_004166 structure data file can be imported to most of the cheminformatics software systems and applications.
The structure data file (SDF/MOL File) of DAP1_004166 is available for download in the SDF page of DAP1_004166, which provides the information about the atoms, bonds, connectivity and coordinates of DAP1_004166. Structure Data File (SDF/MOL File) of DAP1_004166.

The SMILES string of DAP1_004166 is CC5=CC(=O)C3(C)C(CC1C(=CCn2n1c(=O)n(C)c2=O)C3c4cccc(O)c4)C5=O, which can be can be imported by most molecule editors for conversion back into two-dimensional drawings or three-dimensional models of the DAP1_004166.